Is God for you?...really?
If God is for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31b
How do you read this scripture? Do you place more emphasis on the “IF” than you do the rest? That is how I lived for too many years. I had no confidence that God would stand by me, because I doubted my own self-worth. It isn’t a conditional word, it is more a statement of being. Replace “If” with “Since” or “Because”. Once I settled the fact that “BECAUSE GOD IS FOR ME,” I really have no reason to fear. I could start living the life that He intended; a life of healthy relationships, with Him, with others, and with myself.
The Lord and I had a roller-coaster relationship. Because of my insecurities it was conditional, without peace. Sometimes I felt good about my relationship with Him, but then I would screw up and feel the condemnation. In my busy head, God was a Judge, and not a very nice one. I beat myself up constantly with my shortcomings. Then I would do something good and feel like God liked me again. What a way to live! Our relationship was conditional on my works, not His grace. Boy, was I full of myself!
I come by it honestly. I’ve had human relationship like this that have well-groomed me to expect that this is “normal”. But, now that I understand better, it is not a reason to continue. This is a ME problem, God has not changed how He treats me, so it is up to me to change. It will continue to be a battle for me, but one that is waged less often. I had to learn that my place in Christ is not a temporary or conditional state and has nothing to do with my personal performance. Once established, by confessing Him as my Savior, it cannot be altered. Nothing on earth, in heaven, nor hell can break this blood-bond.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither the lower ranks of evil angels nor the higher, neither things present nor things future, nor the forces of nature, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God which rests upon us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
Once you understand that God IS FOR you, and that there is nothing that can change this fact, you can have confidence even in the darkest of circumstances. Imagine that you are being brought to trial, and you know you are guilty, but you are ready to turn your life around; you just need a second chance. You feel hopeless because you know you deserve a conviction; then you discover that the best lawyer in town is willing to take your case Pro Bono. He has a 100% win record and tells you that the Judge is sympathetic to your case, that you deserve acquittal. What relief! You would have no trouble trusting him and putting your life in his hands.
Even now, behold, my Witness is in heaven, and He who vouches for me is on high. - Job 16:19
No one can condemn us to hell on judgment day because Jesus himself died for us, was raised for us, and is now at the right hand of God
interceding for us. We are eternally secure in Christ. – Romans 8:34
When He needs to be, your Advocate is a kind and gentle minister, but don’t mistake kindness for weakness. When required, He can be a tough, uncompromising, and an intimidating protector. Should anyone have the nerve to attack you unjustly, this advocate is willing to put the hurt on. He is a fierce opponent and has no trouble fighting your battles for you. As Mr. T used to say: “I pity the fool”!
But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; Therefore, my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.
They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, with an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. – Jeremiah 20:11